getting buff

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Of hydraulics and bosoms

So there are a couple of indications that my body shape is changing ever so slightly - but not necessarily the ones that I would like. The dress pants that I wear for work have begun to scrape the ground indicating that there is less butt/belly holding them up. While this is great, I don't think I have yet lost enough to fit into the pile of replacement dress pants in my "skinny clothes" drawer. I don't want to spend a lot of money on work clothes which I hope will soon be too big for me. And of course I have recently be reluctant to buy any nice clothes because to buy myself a whole wardrobe of clothes would be to admit that I anticipate being this size for some time.

Secondly, it appears that the small amount of weight that I have lost has begun to remove itself from... ahem... the 'bustular area'. The girls began to swim a bit and realised that I was on the smallest set of hooks. So pulled out the "sticks-into-me" bra and discovered (at least so far) that it actually doesn't stick into me if I don't stuff it too tightly with oversized boobs. And the girls feel a little more stable, although this particular undergarment seems to point them forcefully forward at a disconcerting angle. Half worried that the first comments from my work colleagues about me looking different will be prompted not by the fact that I have lost weight, but by my hydraulically enhanced bosom.


Oh no! Sounds scary.

The clothes thing is always a pain when you know you'll be getting even smaller :)
Here's hoping about that "even smaller" thing.

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