getting buff

Sunday, July 30, 2006

competitive edge

I am competitive by nature. Sometimes my best motivational tool is comparing myself to the people The only problem is that at my current state of health and fitness, I have to choose wisely to ensure that there is some comparison I can make which will show me the winner. Kind of like "Well, you might have a teeny tiny bottom, but I have my treadmill incline at 2% more than you".

Pathetic, really.

I was doing it this morning. "You there watching the people play soccer - why don't you get off your bum and run twice around Princes Park for once". Or "Look at that guy meandering along - bet he hasn't run twice around Princes Park in a looong while". Or "So, you made all that effort to pass me and two metres later you pull off the path to rest - slow and steady wins the mindgame, loser."

So I ran twice around Princes Park today (6.4km). I was pretty pleased with myself.


You are way cool and buff to boot and you can feel competitive towards me anyday.
I love this entry - it's me to a tee.
Makes me wonder how I managed to be so competitive and yet still get so fat.

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